Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hammurabi's Code

Hammurabi's Code
Check out one of the earliest known documents on earth.  Pick a few laws that stand out to you and comment on them.  Do you think these laws are fair? Just? Ethical?  On what are they founded?


  1. Lol jenny..Some of these laws are fair and some are kinda out. It depends on your morals and standards. The one i find ridiculous is if a person put a hole in your house to break in they shall be put to death by that hole lol..oh and SECOND!

  2. Some of these laws seem to just have been dreamed up. Altough some are actually good rules to follow. Law number 210 is wrong. They shouldn't have to put to death the daughter just because the mother died. Although that is said that the mom died, they shouldn't do that to her daughter. Laws 196 & 197, have a little bit more understanding to them. Though revenge isn't the way to go, they same practical.

  3. Let me just start off by saying that this Code loved to put people to death! I think some of these laws are a joke, such as the one saying that if God strikes an oxen to die, the seller is not liable. I mean, how are we to know if God killed that oxen? Yes, some of these laws are neccessary, but a lot are ridiculous. There are so many laws, how can anyone remember all of them?! To me, it would make the government pretty confusing and disorganized.

    I have a feeling that some (or most) of these laws were formed to help the government or lawmaker to get ahead in life and make his life easier.

  4. "....Shall be put to death." "...shall be put to death." They liked to put you to death for a lot of things. I think 110 is a little harsh. Women couldn't even go to a tavern (which isn't very ladylike anyway, but still!) without being burned to death? That's terrible. 121 makes sense. You should have to pay if you're going to use someone elses space. 154 is good too. Incest is just disgusting. I don't agree though with how they like to throw people in the water or just kill them. Especially for a lot of these laws that don't really make sense or are just random.I don't really know what they are founded on. Things were so different back then it's kind of hard for us to understand why they even had these laws.

  5. Jail is wayyyy easier beacuse if a person was found guilty but was truly inoocent, then the person would be leaving behind a family if he/she was put to death. Like just throw 'em in jail until they've proved that they've learned their lesson you know, feel stupid for what they've done. However, I do wonder where Hammurabi's laws were founded, because a few of these laws are like what you would find in the bible. Law 48 is fair I like it. 128 is stupid, once you're married, you're married until one of you decides to get divorced. 153 is so wickedly fair cos impale.

  6. most of these law's were really unfair, like if they didn't have witnesses for what they bought they would be put to death even if the witness was lying. i agree with jennifer, it would have been way easier to just send them to jail and see who was really guilty not just act on the problem then and there. all in all these law's were very bazaar, if you made a mistake there should be a different punishment besides death, unless he/her really deserve to be put to death. -diana

  7. To me some of them are fair , the reason why is because it depends on what you do , you should go to jail . But to get killed for unreasonable situation , thats not fair !

  8. I think this guy had several unfair laws, and he was a tyrant. In his time period, that may have been totally different though.

  9. i think his laws were applicable to the culture of his day in time. things that he bans, punishments he doles out, were all normal then, but seem harsh to those of us in the 21st century who considere ouselves to be a more "civilized" generation of human beings. i would've gladly supported him had i been alive in his time period.

  10. I find most of these laws really unfair, they think putting everyone to death is the solution. When there are other ways to punish people like jail or ...ect Yet i find some reasons really stupid! They know better then just killing everyone.

  11. My opinion about these laws would be most are very unjust! Most of the consequences of breaking the law is death, like they had no secound chances. Law 103 is a little ridculous, who ever broke that law had to swear on God to be free of obligation? There are some understandings on these laws but most have really no point!
