Sunday, August 12, 2012

Check out this video about evolution in the modern alge.  Let me know what you think.  Remember to share your thoughts.  It is easy credit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I knew Li-gers existed ever since I saw Napoleon Dynamite draw one...

    I think some ground rules should be established regarding this bio-engineering because these mutations seem kind of dangerous. If robotic insects can be configured to listen to everything you say/watch everything you do, technically that's an invasion of privacy. Will be commenting some later after I watch the video a few more times...

  3. if god wanted fish, rats and other animals to glow in the dark he would've done it. if he wanted different animals to breed he wouldn't have paired each animal with its own kind when Noah was building the arc. scientist need to stop doing or think they can do God's job before they mess up the world even more then it already is.

  4. I agree with Diana in the sense that no, this is not what God wanted. I think this is us becoming our own god, taking His place. It's sort of like what we were discussing in class today, we're starting to take God's position, and that is NOT what should ever be done.

    I disagree with this practice. I know it has its benefits, but they don't out-weigh the disadvantages. Just think of all the animals being scientifically designed out there. The ones who don't get a say in whether they want to be part horse, part zebra! Also, how would you like having an ear growing on your back? I sure know I wouldn't.

    I think this type of practice should be left alone before we start having scientifically engineered disasters. Geez, hasn't anyone watched Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams?

  5. they cant just leave nature alone! I think its stupid and has no point to it at all why have a mixture of these short of animals there is not point. I can see how they have the idea of "enhancing" the human/animal race we would all like to see humans do supernatural strength like Captain America,Batman,and spider man. Scientist and America need to get out all the animated/fairytale world, and come back to reality. These bio-chemist/engineers or whoever need to see what really needs to changed in our society besides the physical looks and abilities of living things. Most of this stuff doesn't make sense at all im still wandering why these people feel the need to genetically change us.Are we not good enough? I agree with tyler when he said we are going to break out in a scientific disaster, then these scientist are going to look at us for help. This is stupid they must have no lives to sit and marinate these ideas in there heads.

  6. Umm, God gave us a brain so we could use it. I guess we really are using it. Where in the bible does it say that we can't cross breed or modify animals? Again, we're just using the brain God gave us. I'm not for or against this, just putting my thoughts out.

  7. I agree with Diana. If God wanted animals to be mixed like that then he probably would have made some. We are going to get to a point that we breed so many different animals that there won't be much of the original left. I also find the bugs to be creepy. Although they are trying to make them for good now, they could use them for bad things in the future. It could become an invasion of privacy like Jenny said. I also think that making the glowing animals is a waste. It seems like they don't really have a good use for it, they are just seeing if they can do it.

  8. I could go on and on about this subject. I love animals as all of you know! So hooking up a microchip to an animals brain & being able to "remote control" it is a no, no for me. Although there are some pros and cons to bio engineering, I think there could be some good to it too. When he was talking about scientist cloning animals because they are in danger of going exctinct those scientist had a good point there. Who want's animals to go extcint? And then there is messing with animals just for our own personal satisfaction. That is just down right wrong. We have a bunch of good comments on here. Like Jenny said, God gave us a brain, but we have to know how to use it, and what to use it on. So cloning animals, being able to use a joystick to control animals, and making glow in the dark animals, is just silly. We need to remember that God designed animals for us to marvel over, so I have a hard to believing that he would want us to mess with them. It's hard what to think about this subject. But it's a good topic to talk about.

  9. Because I would really love to glow in the dark -_- I think the idea of hybrids is awesome, it's always been a topic that has been fascinating to me. the idea of saving endangered species is a novel, and most likely the person with the original thought to do so had good intentions. But what are the consequences to all this? God made life as we know it for a reason, and historically when man has tried to test that authority it hasn't always gone well. The tower of Babel, the Titanic, and numerous others where man has pushed the limit and God knocked us back to where we belong. I think generics are just one of those things that are not meant to be tampered with, and God will put us back in our place for going to far.

  10. The funny part us that I saw the glow fish for sale at petsmart a few Weeks back, and thought to myself that's not natural, how'd they pull that off? I have a hobby of designing fish tanks, and almost made a neon tank, black light equipped and all.
