Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gun Control Debate

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and other shootings like it, the debate about guns and violence in American culture has become very serious.  Check out some of these videos, and tell me what you think.  Who is right?  What should be done?

Video 1: A gun control debate on Fox News's Sean Hannity Show

Video 2: Debate on ABC's This Week show.

Video 3: A gun owner explaining how an assault weapons ban would effect him.

Video 4: A gun owner making a pro gun argument

Video 5:  Pierce Morgan arguing against a gun supporter.

Second Ammendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


  1. i'm just gonna say that i read the following somewhere because i don't want to seem crazy. in the past year, there were many many deaths that involved guns but a few stood out the most. you may have thought of the aurora, co shooting first. okay here it goes: i read that these 'shootings' could have been set up by the government to take away the people's guns for good. i know it sounds very stupid that so many people (and kids) died just so the government (or whoever plotted this) would have an excuse to take away your guns. now, i'm not some anarchist freak i'm just throwing this out there. i'm not saying i agree with this i just wanted to share it with u all. commenting more later on...

  2. I think that people should be able to have their guns, as the amendment states, "we have the right to bear arms". People with any sanity don't use guns just to go up into a place full of civillians and cap everybody they see. There are also MANY people who love guns and enjoy using them for things, like hunting for example. I think that taking away our freedom to use guns would be worse than what it is now, because there would be a lot of people rebelling.

  3. Ever since the Virginia Tech Massacre, I really haven't been able to form an opinion on guns. Should we keep them? So far, I have come up with this:

    We should be given the right to carry a gun. Our Fore Fathers granted this right to us, and we should still be able to have it. Even if a gun ban was put into place, there are still going to be guns. A larger Black Market for such items will be in even more cities than there are today. Granted, I think every gun holder needs to be fingerprinted and given a mental assessment. I feel the government needs to be stricter on who can apply for a gun license or crack down on illegal weapons.

  4. Ahhh this is such a tough topic. To be honest, I really don't have an opinion on it. I think that it really doesn't matter if you take them away or let people have them because if someone wants one bad enough, they will get one. Especially if someone was crazy enough to go on a shooting spree (like in Connecticut) they will definitely find a way to get a gun. But I do agree with Tyler. People should have to go through better checks before they get a gun license. They should be a lot stricter and not give them to whoever. By watching that I think that they could control gun violence better.

  5. i really have no strong opinions about gun controll casue you say "take then all away people will start riots and strikes will break out, but if we keep them and do nothign about it then we will continue to have social problems. I honestly dont know what to do about guns becasue people are going to get them anyways. guns and drugs go hand in hand there are some things you can control and not control and i believe these are one of the things the government wont be able to control very well.

  6. to take away guns is to take away independence and your right as an american. if we don't have guns, you know the black market will always have them available for the criminals and how do we defend ourselves then? if the founding fathers didn't have their own guns there wouldn't be an America right now.

  7. I think people should get psychologically analyzed before being allowed to get a gun license or whatever. Even though there will always be people who purchase guns illegally. I don't even know.
