Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lady Gaga

I am NOT a fan of Lady Gaga, but she is in the news for leading the charge on a big piece of legislation. Check it out and tell me what you think!



  1. I do not think that is should matter what sexuality you are, you should be able to fight and die for your country if you wish. I think that gays should have every other right as people who are straight. Now regarding the fact that Lady Gaga said that the Don't ask don't tell means that the government can not ask and you do no have to tell.
    She said that gays are getting discharged, which meant that the government was going through their personal belongings, life, emails...etc..., well then thats the government breaking their own laws and just because they found out that way, then the gays should not be discharged becuase the governemnt went looking for that information. Now on the other hand if the gay people in the military, army, or what ever brought it up in conversation say with another solider then yes, i believe they could possibily be discharged. If they bring it up into conversation or just voulnteer the information then i believe that the government does have a right to discharge them if they break the rules.
    I just think it's messed up all around though. I do not think its fair to judge someone just because of there sexuality. If someone decides to be gay or a lesbian then so be it, they should still be able to let them fight for our country. I think they should get rid of the whole Don't ask Don't tell rule and just let people be who they are and let them have the freedom they are fighting for anyway.

  2. I agree with Jamie. I do not think it should matter what "sexual orientation" you have, all people of different races, colors, genders, sexualities, etc. should be allowed into the military. They are just as able to fight and die for this country as much as a straight person. This is what we call the right to the "pursuit of happyness": we should be able to do what we want at any time as long as we are being respectful. I do not AT ALL condone homosexual experimenting or living, though, but merely from a Christian stand-point.

  3. Paul, that was Jessica. I didn't comment on it yet.

  4. I do not like the fact that they are removing people from the forces because of their sexuality . That's there life . If they want to help protect the country , then I say let them . What harm could it do .

    When I was watching this , I got to thinking about how Thomas Hobbes said that government and religion were almost the same . Well , in the bible it is a sin for a women to be with a women or a man to be with a man . But when it comes to government , the group of people that protect you , they have no say in it . Government was established to protect us , not to tell us what certain people can and can't do .

  5. I actually agree with Lady Gaga on something. It shouldn't matter. These people are willing to risk their life so the rest of us can be safe. They're harming themselves by being in the army more than they're harming us for being gay. Let them do what they want to do! Yes, its wrong, but they're helping us. The government is only hurting themselves and asking for more trouble.

  6. i don't think the gays and lesbians should be discriminated against in the army but i do not have any sympathy for them because they knew what would happen if they were found out. That is just like a man or women going in to war without any thought of them dying.

  7. i agree with jalen. discriminating against gay and lesbian people is raceism but more modern. instead of discriminating on white, black, mexican etc. people discriminate on gays and or lesbians. im not gonna say what they do is ok because personally i am oposed to gay and lesbian lifestyle, but we were not put on this earth to judge people that is God's job. we are here to love and help one another. and eventually the "forces" are gonna be ok with gay and lesbian people because we need people who are willing to sacrifice their life, and serve our country, and if they are serving our country let them. our job as christains is not to judge but to minister and to be a witness to them.

  8. I pretty much agree with everyone else.
    I don't believe that it's right to not allow gays and lesbians to serve in our army. It's definitely not treating everyone equally.
    i will say though, that if I was actually serving in the army and I knew that there were lesbians staying with me, I'd feel more than a little awkward. But it's not really like they can stay anywhere else. There's no gay branch of the army. That would be weird.

    It's hard to say. Everyone deserves equality, but the straight people should be able to feel...not awkward.

    This is also not only a political issue, but a Biblical one. I believe that the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is wrong. If it is wrong, then should it really be tolerated? I don't know.

    So I suppose that they should still be allowed to serve. For everyone else's comfortability, they shouldn't tell. Definitely the government shouldn't be going through their stuff trying to find out what they are.

  9. Gays and Lesbians should be able to serve in the armed forces. It is below their rights to have the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, becuase where is their liberty of having free speech? Where is their pursuit of happiness if they can't be who they want to be and serve at the same time? There is just no point in such a policy.
