Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Modesty: what is it, and why should I care?

This video talks about the issue of Christian Modesty.  The speaker's short talk is an excellent of persuasion.  Please watch the video and respond to the following questions.

1. What is modesty, and how do we identify it?

2. What can the history of the bikini teach us about how standards change over time? On what do people base their standards of modesty?

3. Who is responsible for keeping modesty: men or women?

4. What principles can we as post-modern Christians develop socially appropriate definitions of modesty?


  1. This was so interesting! I think she did an excellent job at describing what modesty really is.

    1. I think modesty is when you cover your body in a way that still shows you have style and class but doesn't show your body off in a sexual way. You can identify it by the way someone dresses. They don't wear super short, tight, and low cut outfits.

    2. Well, since it showed that we went from being completely disgusted to bikinis to completely okay with them, we can learn that our standards are always changing and they get lower and lower all the time. If you take the time to keep your standards higher and teach those to other people you will eventually be able to change it to standards being raised. It's kind of sad that people lowered their standards so much between the 50s and 60s.

    3. This is where it gets a little frustrating. I think that as a woman you should be able to wear whatever you want and whatever makes you feel comfortable. Of course you should always want to flatter your body and have class, but not everyone feels comfortable in clothes like that. Women shouldn't have to worry about what men are thinking because men should try their hardest to have pure thoughts and have respect for women. But since that isn't the case, women should have respect for themselves and dress so that men won't think of them in a way that isn't pure and full of respect. You can't expect men to keep modesty, so you should try to keep it for your self-respect.

    4. Haha this question is worded in a weird way, so I'm a little confused. I think no matter how times change you will always know what modesty is. Just try to keep those ideas of modesty as these times are changing.

    I do have to say that her bathing suits are absolutely adorable. I have one in the same style as the blue, polka-dot one and it's very flattering and super cute. So all of the girls in our class should get one.

  2. 1. Modesty to me means someone who is confident and strong, someone who is brave and has enough integrity to not feel the need to show off or brag about what they have, You can identify it in the act of showing reserve in how you act and present yourself.

    2.With each new creation of the Swim Suit, pieces got smaller and more and more skin became visible. It showed how at a time the majority of women wouldn't even touch the thing, to a time where everyone wants it. Our standards are being set lower each day, we base these standards on what we see everyday. From what we see on TV shows, to magazines showing us what swim suits the latest celebrities are wearing. We want to be just as in style as they do, so we do whatever we can to reach that level of "coolness or acceptance that we seem to want so much of. More like a peer pressure type of effect.

    3. At first I felt it should be that both parties try to. But hearing the studies that were run on men, women are most likely going to be the ones who are going to have to put in the majority of work depending on the guy (because there are some guys out there who still encourage the idea of modesty, although mostly in fathers and more mature men). We as females should try to stop thinking about what others think and do what makes us comfortable. This is a very difficult thing to establish since there is nothing saying that shorts that are x length are modest and shirts that cover x,y,z are modest. There are also many thoughts as to how modest is modest. One person could think what they have on is modest while someone else believes that they are showing way to much skin. It all depends on the person's mindset.

    4. I'm not sure I fully understand this question. So i'll wing it. Everyone's definition of modesty is different. So I would say in simple, don't wear something you wouldn't want your children to wear in the future. Set a bar of self respect for yourself so you won't fall crippled to what the world wants to see. Your body is your most prized possession, treat it like the treasure it is.

  3. I like the way she exposed her ideas. Very well spoken.
    1- In my opinion when it comes to dressing, modesty is keeping a healthy balance between looking good and having a moderate self steam of yourself. We often look at girls who dress appropriate as if they were "uncool". To most people modesty is out of fashion. Now a days the more you expose the sexier you are right? But when a girl doesn't show "too much skin" they are labeled as unpopular.
    2- Standards have defiantly gone down over the years. Everyone's morals decrees as the media bombards us with the idea that it is okay to express your sexuality through clothing. Now you see girls half naked everywhere walking around like it's normal. Go back not even 20 years and they'd be seen as prostitutes. The history of bikinis shows us how much of an impact other people's opinion's affects us. It started out small but then as more and more people started wearing them, even the most conservative people started becoming use to them until it is now seen as something normal.
    3- Both men and women are responsible for keeping modesty.
    4- I think as Christians, we all should aim for dressing in a way that people can see that we have God in our hearts. That doesn't mean dressing up all weird and going to the beach in houses like on the video but defiantly not exposing more than people should know or see. Somethings are better off being private.

  4. 1. Modesty is not showing everything you have for everyone to see. We identify it by comparing to individuals and how they are dressed.
    2.Obviously the standards are probably the lowest they can get in this day and age. I never remember a time where a two piece was not ok, and i was a little surprised that America didnt accept the bikini at first since the way our civilization is today.
    3.Both men and women, but i feel women have more responsibility because we have mre to show, and we are suppose to have a little innocence about us.
    4.As christians we should be modest because we should not be a stumbling block for another believer.

    The Black and White and blue stripped bathing suit was chute!

  5. 1.Modesty is just another word for being humble,and conservative.
    2.yes,considering we are the same country that thought that women walking around without stockings and long dresses was morally wrong.
    3.yes men and women are both to blame, but women should take more pride in their appearance enough to cover up
    4. yes because we are Christians , we should want to be examples to those who don't know any better ,or weren't brought up conservatively

  6. 1. Modesty is revealing our dignity.
    2. The history of the bikini teaches us that standards have dropped so low over time and that they keep dropping over time. People base their standards of modesty on the media and what they tell us that our standards should be.
    3. to me both men and women are responsible for keeping modesty.
    4. didn't really understand the question.
